A Day in Life of an Mphasian

Jayaprakash Bandu
Senior Vice President
Dallas, TX, USA
Eyüp Ciler
Sr HR Analyst, Recruitment
Stuttgart, Germany
Malessia Vang
Oklahoma, USA
Phanendra Kumar Akurathi
Project Lead – Banking
Hyderabad, India

Jayaprakash Bandu

Senior Vice President

My typical day at work, is a combination of tactical and strategic actions. Keeping track of clients / prospects is a given. Every morning starts with sales team stand-up call to plan the day and prioritize work for all the deals in progress. Engagement for the rest of the day is based on a combination of the stand-up and “day-of-the-week” theme. The themes keep changing once in a quarter. Right now, the themes are Monday for Personal growth, Tuesday for one-on-one phone calls with clients/prospects, Wednesday for Delivery/Operations/Profitability, Thursday for Large Deals, Friday for Team development and 10X (repeatability). Having said that, I am always open to conversations with Mphasians and often spontaneously call them up when I come across something promising.


Why Mphasis?

With Mphasis being the first job and looking back now after 21 years, Mphasis is a part of life and the extended family. Over the decades, the company has had a clear strategy for each period and has invested heavily to execute the strategy. It gives one great confidence to give 100% to achieve goals that fit into the strategy.


My top three reasons for Mphasis are

1.  Focus on Innovation and staying current

2.  High performance Culture

3.  It’s not just “Work”! it’s a lot more


Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Constant reinvention is my mantra. Looking to fill the whitespaces with major focus in sales with regards to team building, news business unit creations and initiating innovations that have the potential of becoming tomorrow’s market leaders.


Your advice for budding Mphasians

While doing good work is paramount, showcasing it in the right way is equally important. Thinking beyond the narrow constraints of roles/responsibilities and solving problems rather than listing out challenges is the mindset one should have. To grow, training the next level and delegating is key for the team’s success.


Eyüp Ciler

Sr HR Analyst, Recruitment

Coffee, coffee, coffee – has to be the way everyone starts their workday! While the day entails planning for the day coming up, my job role requires interacting with a lot of people so my typical day at work is spent in keeping up with the deadlines along with accommodating scope for new tasks which is a given in my role.


Why Mphasis?


We now live in a digital world with digitized and quickly accessible. What amazes me is that Mphasis lives up to this motto. You have everything you need right in front of you. This is also transferred to customer requests. The customer is advised, and the systems implemented are such that everything is state of the art. Thus, the customer is prepared for everything and can #stayahead of his competitors.



At Mphasis, we not only support the digitization of customers, but also train our employees in the latest technologies. We do this according to the respective needs of the market and the interests of the employees. The special thing is that good performances are recognized, encouraged, and shared with other team members. This motivates the employees and the colleague can help other team members to achieve the same by giving them tips.


Global work culture

My dream has always been to work in international teams. Mphasis made this dream possible for me. I spend the day working with people from many countries on three different continents. I get to learn a lot about different cultures, working methods and news from the world. I can then transfer these new perspectives into my work and improvise every day.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

I hope to continue to be very successful at Mphasis! I have found a team and a work culture here that are open and honest with one another, and which conveys a sense of belongingness in the employee. I want to stay here for many years and help shape the company's success but with more responsibility in the future. Going forward, I would like to lead a team focussed entirely on IT specialists' resourcing and HR issues.


Your advice for budding Mphasians

You have found yourself a company that would like to continuously improve you. Take this chance! Take advantage of the offered training courses that develop you further, personally, or technically. There is a huge selection here and there is something for everyone. Be open and honest with your colleagues and superiors and they will help you get the best out of yourself. There is no problem that cannot be solved together.


Malessia Vang


Your day at Work

When I wake up, there are two things on my mind. One, what are my priorities I must complete first thing when I log in to my PC? Second, I ask myself, “How can I have a higher success rate of connecting with candidates and keeping them engaged?”. The remaining of the day, I am reaching out to potential talents back to back on open roles I have and ending my day by following up with onboarding candidates to ensure that from the time of their hiring process to joining the team goes smoothly.


Why Mphasis?

Personal Growth: Mphasis is an engaged workplace that cares about personal growth and development. Programs and training in learning new technologies are offered to help improve and grow our skills whether it is for work or at home. Mphasis also has Open Door Policy to let us know that there is someone to support us always at the time of crisis and encourages healthy discussion within the workspace with our peers and superiors.


Team Oriented: At Mphasis, it is expected from each and every one of us no matter what our level, role, or function is- to bring all of who they are and do their best work because at the end of the day, it is a team effort to win. We are encouraged to interact with client’s hiring managers or SPOCs directly to get results with no delay.


Women Empowerment: Mphasis gives women in the workplace tools and creating platforms exclusively for women such as Women Empowered @Mphasis, it is a social media platform for women in the workplace to highlight workplace accomplishments and a place to voice their thoughts and views.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

I know I am headed in the right direction with Mphasis because I have been lucky enough to work alongside with my supportive manager and amazing peers. So within 5 years from now, I hope to be able to work more extensively with the Marketing and Strategic team to help find new ways to draw in more talent, evolve the candidate experience, and help widespread Mphasis name.


Phanendra Kumar Akurathi

Project Lead – Banking

Being a vital part of Mphasis SparkleLabs, which necessitates innovation continuously, my every day is full of diving into several technical unknowns. My first half of the business day is typically spent in resolving technical challenges with innovation and the rest of the day comprises of discussions on our findings, proposed solutions, and targeted use-cases. The finalized solution approaches from our analyses are taken ahead for implementation, and in this process, I discover the unknowns which is ever so fulfilling to the geek in me. With proper management and planning, even in such a busy day, I will find some time for light-hearted conversations over a cup of tea with my team and colleagues.


Why Mphasis?

Extensive opportunities: Passion for learning new technologies can only be fuelled by granting the opportunity for it. Mphasis provides the right opportunity at the right time for the right person, which is vital for our growth as geeks and keeps us future ready.


Focus on innovation: Digital disruption is extremely dynamic and is happening on a micro-second basis. Innovation is the only mantra to sustain this speed of disruption. By focusing on digital transformation and innovation platforms like Sparkle labs, NextLabs; Mphasis is ahead of its competitors. I always feel proud of being part of one such innovation lab.


Culture of experimentation: Though client-centricity is the top priority, Mphasis always allows employees to experiment, test and discover. This helps in creating an environment where we can take responsible decisions.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Within the next five years, I see myself playing the role of an Architect with deep expertise in cloud and container world, prescribing technical standards, including software standards, tools, and platforms. I have been lucky to work with people who are equally passionate about cloud and cognitive technologies while Mphasis are giving the best of opportunities to lay my path towards my goal.


Your advice for budding Mphasians

There are no shortcuts for success expect hard work and commitment, so try to build your own brand with the unique value additions you are offering to the organisation. Prioritize the things, be smart enough to manage the tasks and last but not the least; remember life is not all about work, keep some space to enjoy the sweetness of life. I believe being flexible and open to the opportunities is what carved out my goal path for me. Mphasis’ strong culture of empowerment, experimentation undoubtedly makes it a great place to work.